Douglas, Northern Cape, South Africa
Webcast 45 items
Aanbod: 1000x Speenverse. Please contact Marizelle de Kock on (083) 218-1620 to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. VeeSure, die nuwe gerieflike en maklik-om-te-gebruik aanlynversekeringsoplossing. #veesure
Lichtenburg, North-West, South Africa
Webcast 306 items
Aanbod: +/- 80 Trekkers, asook Stropers,Planters en Grondbewerkings-toerusting. Please contact Marius on (083) 983-7280 to follow up on your approval status.
Stoffberg, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Webcast 65 items
Jou kans om hoë kwaliteit, veldaangepaste, produtiewe beeste te koop! Please contact Sonet Coetzee on (083) 310-0036 to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. VeeSure is an Old Mutual Insure product solution that provides various options to protect your new proud investment. #veesure
Bela-Bela, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Webcast 168 items
Aanbod: 30 SP Bulle | 250 Vroulike aanteel diere alle stadia | 250 Speenkalwers | 200 Supers | 200 C-graad slagkoeie. Please contact Ettiene on (083) 440-0856 to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. The new super quick,convenient and easy to use stud animal and single transit insurance solution. #veesure
Dundee, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Webcast 60 items
On Offer: 600 Breeding Females (Beefmaster/Bonsmara/Braford/Bovelder/Brahman). Please contact Ollie on or Louise on to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. #veesure
Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa
Webcast 109 items
Aanbod: 15x Ramme | 500x Ooie, in verskillende stadiums van produksie. Please contact Marizelle on (083) 218-1620 to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. VeeSure is an Old Mutual Insure product solution that provides various options to protect your new proud investment. #veesure
Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa
Webcast 87 items
Aanbod: 40x Bulle | 150x Vroulike Diere (SP & Kommersieel). Bulle word Gratis vervoer to 200km vanaf Bloemfontein, op koper se risiko. Please contact Allan on (082) 528-0059 to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. VeeSure, die nuwe gerieflike en maklik-om-te-gebruik aanlynversekeringsoplossing. #veesure
Coligny, North-West, South Africa
Webcast 73 items
Aanbod: 30x Bulle | 40x Vroulike Diere. Please contact Hendrik on (082) 491-8289 to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. VeeSure, die nuwe gerieflike en maklik-om-te-gebruik aanlynversekeringsoplossing. #veesure
Dordrecht , Eastern Cape, South Africa
Webcast 60 items
On Offer: 8x Hereford | 30x Black Angus | 10 Red Angus Bulls | 50x Commercial Cows - in calf. Free delivery up to 400km. Please contact Ian on (082) 410-1712 to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. The new super quick,convenient and easy to use stud animal and single transit insurance solution. #veesure
Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Webcast 66 items
On Offer: 25x Reg Bulls | 22x Reg Females | 40x Comm Females. Please contact Jeremy on to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. VeeSure is an Old Mutual Insure product solution that provides various options to protect your new proud investment. #veesure
Tweespruit, Free State, South Africa
Webcast 129 items
Aanbod: 250x Ooie (dragtig/ met lammers) | 120x Jong Ooie (dragtig, by ram geloop) | 50x Ramme. Please contact Sarel on (082) 415-5792 to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. The new super quick,convenient and easy to use stud animal and single transit insurance solution. #veesure
Be Human, South Africa
Webcast 86 items
Aanbod: 35 Bulle | 20 Vroulike stoet diere | 60 Vroulike Angus en Angus Tipe Diere. Please contact Willie on (082) 375 2524 to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. VeeSure, die nuwe gerieflike en maklik-om-te-gebruik aanlynversekeringsoplossing. #veesure
Bela Bela, Limpopo, South Africa
Webcast 118 items
On Offer: 30x Rams | 90x Ewes. Viewing of animals: Friday 17 September from 2pm. Please contact Johan on (083) 627-1491 to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. VeeSure is an Old Mutual Insure product solution that provides various options to protect your new proud investment. #veesure
Rustenburg, North-West, South Africa
Webcast 130 items
Aanbod: Blesbokke | Blouwildebeeste | Elande | Gemsbokke | Goue Gemsbokke| Koedoes | Kameelperde | Rooibokke | Swart Rooibokke | Rooihartbeeste | Springbokke | Swart Springbokke | Waterbokke | Zebras. Please contact Ruaan on (083) 414-4792 to follow up on your approval status.
Vivo , Limpopo Province, South Africa
Webcast 38 items
Aanbod: 25 Streng gekeurde bulle | 70 Top Bovelder vroulike diere. Gratis vervoer tot Harrismith. Please contact Ettiene on (083) 440-0856 to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. VeeSure is an Old Mutual Insure product solution that provides various options to protect your new proud investment. #veesure
Sannieshof, North-West, South Africa
Webcast 73 items
Aanbod: 30 Bulle | 35 Stoet Vroulik | 50 Kommersieël Vroulik. Please contact Fanie on (082) 928-6195 to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. VeeSure, die nuwe gerieflike en maklik-om-te-gebruik aanlynversekeringsoplossing. #veesure
Van Stadensrus, Free State, South Africa
Webcast 2 items
Aanbod: 18 Bonsmara Bulle | 100 Bonsmara vroulike diere, in verskillende stadiums van produksie | 10x 3 Jarige Brahman Bulle. Please contact Marizelle on (083) 218-1620 to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. The new super quick,convenient and easy to use stud animal and single transit insurance solution. #veesure
Vrede, Free State, South Africa
Webcast 110 items
Aanbod: 80x Bulle | 80x Vroulike diere. Please contact Sonet on (083) 310-0036 to follow up on your approval status. VeeSure available on this auction. The new super quick, convenient and easy to use stud animal and single transit insurance solution. #veesure