Orkney, North-West, South Africa
Webcast 91 items
Aanbod: 30 SP Bulle | 30 SP Vroulike Diere | 120 Kommersiële Vroulike Diere. For Transport arrangements contact Danie 079 730 2130. For Invoicing | Inquiries after the sale contact Mirné 083 271 5610.
Sutherland, Northern Cape, South Africa
Webcast 308 items
Aanbod: 270 Geselektreerde Ooie | 44 Geselekteerde Ramme |
Springfontein, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Webcast 103 items
Aanbod: Agri Vee en Losgoed. For Transport arrangements contact Stephen De Swardt on 083 382 6616. For Invoicing | Inquiries after the sale contact Leanda Schulze on 063 275 6483.
Warmbad, Limpopo, South Africa
Webcast 94 items
Aanbod: 15 Bulle | 80 Vroulik | 50 Kommersieel Vroulik. For Transport arrangements contact Carel 082 896 9586. For Invoicing | Inquiries after the sale contact Sakkie 064 754 5449.
All Days Bomas, Limpopo, South Africa
Webcast 60 items
Aanbod: Rooibok | Koedoe | Buffels | Blouwildebees | Eland | Njala | Kameelperd | Sebra | Waterbok | Volstruis. For Transport arrangements contact Henko 083 551 4615. For Invoicing | Inquiries after the sale contact Stephan 076 833 2510.
Kimberly, Northern Cape, South Africa
Webcast 93 items
Aanbod: 50 Van Rooy Ooie | 15 Van Rooy Ramme | 45 Savanna Ooie | 10 Savanna Ramme. For Transport arrangements contact Schalk 082 558 6891. For Invoicing | Inquiries after the sale contact Fanie 082 928 6195.
Parys, Free State, South Africa
Webcast 65 items
On Offer: Bonsmara. For Transport arrangements contact Janus Oberholzer on 082 922 1265. For Invoicing | Inquiries after the sale contact Kobus Brink on 082 377 8870.
Parys, Free State, South Africa
Join the National Bonsmara Screening online via SwiftVEE
Hanover, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Webcast 29 items
Aanbod: Slagvee | Voerkraalvee | Boerooie
Tsumeb, Oshikoto, Namibia
Webcast 146 items
On Offer: 25 Boergoat Rams & 21 Ewes | 35 Meatmaster Rams & 59 Ewes | 5 Dorper Rams | 3 Witdorper Rams & 4 Ewes | 11 Van Rooy Rams & 3 Ewes | 2 Kalahari Red Rams
Somerset East, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Webcast 309 items
Aanbod: Wild. Katalogus gedeelte van die veiling is nou beskikbaar op SwiftVee. Die Boma gedeelte volg later die week. For Transport arrangements & Invoicing | Inquiries after the sale contact Joan 82 377 5844.
Mookgophong, Limpopo, South Africa
Webcast 144 items
Aanbod: Blouwildebeeste | Koningswildebeeste | Gouewildebeeste | Elande | Kameelperde | Swartwitpense | Koedoes | Waterbokke | Blesbokke | Swartrooibokke | Rooihartbeeste | Volstruise | Njalas | Rooibokke | Sebras. For Transport arrangements contact Henko 083 551 4615. For Invoicing | Inquiries after the sale contact Stephan 076 833 2510.
Lichtenburg, North-West, South Africa
Webcast 139 items
Aanbod: 15 Bulle | 160 Simbra Vroulike | 40 Simmentaler Vroulik. For Transport arrangements contact Hendre 082 781 0302. For Invoicing | Inquiries after the sale contact Fanie 082 928 6195
Parys, Free State, South Africa
Webcast 182 items
On Offer: 200 Quality Ewes | 30 Top Rams. For Transport arrangements contact Hendrik 0826746066. For Invoicing | Inquiries after the sale contact Hestia 0824630970
Warmbad, Limpopo, South Africa
Webcast 105 items
Aanbod: 36 Dorper Ramme | 57 Dorper Ooie | 24 Wit Dorper Ramme | 20 Wit Dorper Ooie. For Transport arrangements contact Carel Chalmers on 082 896 9586. For Invoicing | Inquiries after the sale contact Marzette on 082 921 1531.
Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa
Webcast 159 items
On Offer: 3 x IVG Ecotypes on offer - Cape Speckled | Cape Lobear | Nguni/Mbuzi. For Transport arrangements contact Danie on 082 893 6721. For Invoicing | Inquiries after the sale contact Kobus Eloff on 084 668 5258.
Boshof, Free State, South Africa
Webcast 166 items
Aanbod: Swart / Koper / Wit / Bont / Springbok Ramme | Wit / Geel / Koper / Saddle Back / Blesbok Ramme | Rooibok Ramme | Swart Rooibok Ramme | White Flank Rooibok Ramme | Swart / Blou / Goue / Wildebees Bulle | Rooihartbees Bulle | Gemsbok Bulle | Zebra | Waterbok Bulle | Koedoe Bulle | Eland Bulle | Swartwitpens Bulle | Volstruise | Nyala Bulle | Vier Horing Skape. For Transport arrangements contact Bärend Britz 082 776 0495. For Invoicing | Inquiries after the sale contact Jonel 081 754 7870
Kimberly , Northern Cape, South Africa
Webcast 96 items
Aanbod: Boerbokke - 24 Ramme & 76 Ooie | Kalahari Reds - 4 Ramme & 33 Ooie. For Transport arrangements contact Jason Burger on 083 263 9347. For Invoicing | Inquiries after the sale contact Jonel on 081 754 7870.