Schumacher Bonsmara INFORMATION DAY Saturday 07 September 2024 @ 10:00. What can be expected? 1. Dr. Louis Du Pisani talks about Climate Change and how it affects us as farmers. 2. Dr. Andy Hentzen discusses the “Bull-Effect” on producing better feedlot calves with increased daily gains. 3. Leon-Fritz Riekert, owner of LFR Bonsmara, will conduct a practical discussion on the selection of functional cattle. 4. A walk through of the potential auction animals available on 8 October 2024! To watch the SwiftVEE Live Stream of the Information Day: To attend the event: Tickets can be purchased at: Coastal Hire Stewarts & Lloyds Cosmo Kids • Marc +264 81 124 0741 • Jodi +264 205 7127 • Michelle +264 128 8807 New to the platform? Create an account here: For further assistance kindly contact or WhatsApp SwiftVEE Namibia: Martenique: +264 81 802 7672 Nicolene: + 264 81 218 4858 Schumacher Bonsmara ✅Proven Pedigree ✅Fertility Par Excellence ✅Calving Ease ✅Myostatin free