World K’s renowned son of Haruki 2 and famous son of
Suzutani. Shigeshigetani is famous for having 90% of F1
progeny grade out at 9+ on the AUS scale. This is as good
as it gets. These results are based on thousands of graded
carcasses. He is the sire of one of the most famous if not the
most famous USA Bull for carcass quality Shigeshigetani 30T,
the Bar R sensation bred by Jerry Reeves. Shigeshigetani has
recently had an extremely significant upgrade in Breedplan.
He currently is a standout in breedplan in many categories
with a degree of accuracy exceeding 90+ % as a result of
years of carcasses and results from 33 different herds. We
have recently removed the last few remaining straws from
public sale that are located in South Africa. They will only be
offered at Auction until depleted.
Location: Invitro Africa, Parys, Free State.